Non-Profits Come Together, Expand Services and Resources For People Living In Santa Ana

Non-Profits Come Together, Expand Services and Resources For People Living In Santa Ana
Services and resources are being re-envisioned and strengthened through a new partnership. Momentum (formerly United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles) is helping bolster supports for people with disabilities in a community-based, group living environment at Mandel and Horwitz homes. The Jewish Federation of Orange County (JFOC) (previously the Jewish Federation and Family Services of Orange County) was looking for partners to help them reach this goal. They found alliances with Irvine Community Land Trust (ICLT) and Momentum. ICLT purchased the homes from JFOC and Momentum will manage the homes and services.
“It is Momentum’s mission to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of all children and adults with disabilities and medical conditions,” said Lori Anderson, Momentum’s President and CEO. “We couldn’t be more excited to revitalize that commitment in these homes with history and deep religious roots.”
Residential programming at Mandel and Horwitz will be structured to offer the highest level of personal care, supports, and resources for residents to enjoy a fulfilled and healthy lifestyle. They will also continue to experience Jewish culture at both homes.
“The relationship between the Irvine Community Land Trust, the Jewish Federation of Orange County and Momentum is an important example of the way community partnerships can provide housing for individuals in need of affordable housing with services,” said Nancy Donnelly, longtime advocate and board member at both Momentum and ICLT. “The individuals and families who will benefit from this partnership have experienced, through this 18-month-long process, what is possible when community organizations follow their mission, work together and maintain a focus on a positive outcome for the individuals we are here to serve.
“It is a pleasure to be associated with all three organizations as both houses are re-opened. The families are thrilled that Momentum is their new service provider. The three partners will continue to work together demonstrating the strength that communities can bring to solving problems and improving lives,” Donnelly added.
The three organizations are proud that funding came from private sources, rather than public funding, and suggest that this approach can be replicated.
Momentum assumed services of the homes July 1, 2021. You can learn more about Momentum’s independent living services here.