Early Head Start
Momentum is proud to host an Early Head Start program in Torrance, California. From the success of the original Head Start program, which began in 1965, the Federal government expanded the program to include infants and toddlers and in 1994, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services created Early Head Start (EHS).
EHS is a federally funded community-based program for families with infants or toddlers and pregnant women who qualify under the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
The EHS mission is:
- to promote healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women
- to enhance the development of very young children
- to promote healthy family functioning
This program serves as an innovative model, combining Momentum PTN’s therapeutic services combined with Early Head Start’s mandated health, nutrition, dental, social services, and parent involvement opportunities. The program promotes infant-caregiver attachment through the home and center-based visits through every stage from prenatal through age 3. Eligible families must reside in the 90501, 90503, or 90505 zip code areas of Torrance.


This program provides an early childhood education setting for children age 18-36 months. The center-based program operates from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and delivers a comprehensive educational program within a classroom setting.
This program, offered at the Momentum PTN location in Torrance, gives families access to teachers, nurses, nutritionists, and counselors. Parents are connected to community resources and referrals.
This program brings the EHS staff into the home of identified families to support the child/parent relationship. Sessions are delivered weekly for 90 minutes for children birth – 18 months. Families are kept abreast of their child’s development and progress and are provided through input in planning their child’s weekly activities.
Families enrolled in the home-based option have access to a nurse, a nutritionist, a counselor, and needed resources. Families are invited and encouraged to attend two social events per month. Socializations provide an opportunity for families to learn about community resources, discuss topics with staff and other families and engage in family social and developmental activities.
For enrollment information, please call 310-328-0276, ext. 305.
This federally funded grant creates numerous new employment opportunities.
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