About Us
For 80 years our organization has provided resources and services for children and adults to maximize their independence. In 1945, a small group of dedicated parents and volunteers in Los Angeles united to provide home and community-based services for their children when no services existed. Today, the organization they founded and nurtured is known as Momentum. We remain true to our mission of advancing the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of children and adults with disabilities and medical conditions.
Our organization is always striving to find the next innovation and advocacy for advancing inclusion and access. Over the years we have expanded our agency to support even more children and adults. By adding WORK, Inc. to our family in 2001, services expanded into Santa Barbara and Santa Maria Counties. In 2007, Wheels for Humanity joined us stretching our impact to more than 70 countries worldwide.
Today, Momentum is the largest nonprofit provider of direct-care services for adults in Southern California. We have over 30 program and service sites providing an array of individualized resources so individuals can choose how they want to live their day-to-day lives.
Impact Reports
We are extremely proud and grateful for the dedication of these members who are part of Momentum’s goal to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Board of Directors & Board of Governors

Tamara Hatwan
and Secretary, Board of Governors

Billy Walk

Peter Longo

Dan Lykken

J.J. Levenstein, MD, FAAP
Adrianna Bailleul
Lara Buitrago*
Arthur Cheney, Jr.
Will Conaway*
Matthew Devereaux
Nancy Donnelly*
Francisco Durazo
Steven Eberhart*
Brandon L. Feitelson*
Bill Foltz*
Dixie Foster
Andrew Gumpert*
Nicole Gumpert, M.A.*
Richard Hansen**
David Kushell*
Ronald Levenson*
Kevin P. McCarthy*
Brandon Mendenhall
Paul Miller*
Iman Mossanen
Margaret Nagle*
Jonathan R. Nasseri, MD, FACP
Nancy A. Niparko, MD*
Terri Hillard Olson*
Diane Petersen, MD*
Lisa Radeski*
Nick Roxborough*
Debbie Serrano
Nestor Serrano*
Peter William Shapiro*
Khurram Siddiqui*
Logan Jay Stern
Rick Stern*
Adey Tadesse-Heath
Jory Tremblay*
Shauna Valenzuela
Marcia Vogler
Mark Weinfeld*
Trevor R. Witt*
Jere Yates, PhD*
* Denotes member of the Board of Directors
** Denotes member of the Board of Directors and is on leave of absence
Emeritus Board
Kenneth Bettencourt
Steve Cobin
Alan Kessler, M.D.
Ellen Kessler
David Levinson
Richard Rosin
Ralph Shapiro
Honorary Board
Ronald S. Cohen, Ph.D.
Members In Memoriam
Peter Devereaux
Lena Longo
Milton Miller
Rae Naftaly
Bryan Stockton
Tobi Prensky
Derek Rogers
Larry Stern
Anne Wendt
We believe everyone can be an advocate for people having a choice, to receive access, and have an opportunity for room at the table to discuss how to better create equity in our communities.
For more nearly 80 years, Momentum has remained on the front lines of that mission. You can be part of that effort. No test required, no homework, just a passion for lifting up others. Email here to learn how you can get involved with our goals.
Family of Organizations

Momentum provides people and families choice on how they can live their best life. By being passionately committed to care, always moving forward, and connecting communities, we are truly transforming lives.

Momentum Wheels for Humanity promotes greater inclusion for children, women and men globally, through mobility, therapy, advocacy and empowerment.

Momentum WORK, Inc. is dedicated to providing services across Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties providing opportunities for people, so that they may work and live independently as contributing citizens within the community of their choice.

Momentum Refresh is the first mobile resource in the USA providing dignity, full inclusion, and accessibility with quality restrooms in the community.