The Momentum Summer Program in AACtion

The Momentum Summer Program in AACtion
Summer learning programs are an essential way to help children explore their passions, develop new skills, and meet other kids with similar interests. The Momentum in AACtion Summer Program was designed for children to do all of this and more.
“Most summer and pediatric programs rely heavily on verbal speech, which makes it difficult for this population to access. Centering our activities and interactions using Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) resulted in rich inclusivity and participation for all our kids involved,” Speech-Language Pathologist, Lauren M. Diamond says.
We sought to enhance communication skills in audible and non-audible children by increasing their access and social language through a series of engaging activities and AAC devices.
“AAC is a broad term, used to encompass a variety of different ways a person communicates in lieu of verbal speech. Alternative communication means to “add” to someone’s speech and augmentative communication means to be used instead of speech. There are a lot of different types of AAC, ranging from no-tech to low-tech, to high-tech, that are individualized to each person. These might range from gestures and writing to eye-gaze and speech-generating devices.”
These devices are also known as the children’s voices. “The voice” is pre-programmed with pictures and audio that make for easier communication flow and peer interaction.
Throughout a three-hour session, up to six children are led by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) in a playful and structured setting that includes a welcome segment where the children sing songs, introduce themselves, and share their favorites using their AAC devices. This introduction is followed up with arts and crafts, movement, snack time, and music!
“Every person, young and old, have thoughts, ideas, and dreams that should be shared with others as they wish. It’s important as pediatric speech pathologists to empower young children to find their voices and use them to self-advocate and let others know they’ve got something to say!”
We strived to facilitate a fun, playful, and engaging environment with the ultimate goal being increased language for children within their homes and community. With the help of graduate students, staff, and community volunteers, we were able to successfully provide each and every child with a good time and new tools to utilize in their daily routines.
“My biggest takeaway from this year’s program is that our volunteers and staff are so dedicated to the success and development of these kids. I was blown away by the passion for learning and the hands-on approach everyone took to make sure each child was having the best experience. It was a phenomenal learning experience for me as the program director but also for our staff to learn from each other and these kids!”
If you missed out this year, keep up with us on social media @Momentum4All for all program announcements.