Ariana’s chromosome abnormality wasn’t known until she was born. Even then, doctors were not able to provide an exact prognosis. “It was hard to process her diagnosis. We had no idea. It was scary because I didn’t know the resources available.” Prior to finding Momentum, Maira was concerned for Ariana’s future because she hadn’t met a number of developmental milestones.
A few short weeks into the Leaps and Bounds class, Ariana’s mother Maira is already seeing a difference in her daughter: “She’s battling a lot more with her movement, getting stronger.” Now the family is comforted and confident knowing the therapists at Momentum PTN services are here to help guide Ariana along the way.
“You can tell the staff has so much knowledge and patience with Ariana. We know she’s in good hands when we take her to class. It makes me feel good knowing my daughter is being taken care of.”