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Self-Determination Program Services

Momentum is proud to offer people a choice with the support of Self-Determination Program (SDP). California’s Self-Determination Program allows participants the opportunity to have more control in developing their service plans and selecting service providers to better meet their needs. Each person will have to initiate the process orientation process themselves with the Regional Center and work with an Independent Facilitator and Financial Management Service to determine their budget. Regional Center then approves the budget.

At Momentum, we are excited to embrace this innovative system for individuals and families seeking out curated services through programs already available at Momentum. People using Self-Determination budgets gain access to a menu of services from various programs, such as Momentum Creative, Momentum Pediatric, and more.

For artists with disabilities, Momentum Creative has an adaptive art tool assessment, tool creation, and additional artist support services and classes. The adaptive tool assessment and tool creation is specific to each person. Our Curatorial Adaptive Design Manager will meet one-on-one with the artist to perform the assessment and then work to create for them a specialized one-of-a-kind adaptive art tool. 

Parents seeking additional social skill services for their children may use their Self-Determination budget for Buddy Builder and Social Skills classes. Self-Determination budgets are a great way for families to access additional services for children beyond what is available through their local school system.

Helpful SDS Links

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Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy 1
Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy 1