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Momentum welcomes triumphant return to Day Programs

Momentum welcomes triumphant return to Day Programs

July 16, 2021

After more than 15 months apart, artists gathered together and allowed the creativity to flow at Momentum’s Strathern location in Van Nuys.

“Opening the program has been the epitome of a labor of love,” said Nicholle Cash, Director of Programs. “The amount of tenacity, flexibility, and gusto the team has demonstrated is beyond words! Sixteen months (almost to the day!) is a long time and we hope to never look back.”

During that time, Momentum adjusted to the conditions by providing programs virtually. While the effort was a success, participants and administrators could not wait to get back together.

“While social media and virtual platforms have helped tremendously with maintaining social connection, nothing compares with being able to see everyone in person,” said Martine Alcidas Farve, Program Manager at Strathern. “The Individuals we support were very happy to be back at the program and to be able to participate in a variety of activities due to the space that Strathern provides.” 

Safety is a top priority for the people we support and staff. Momentum continues to monitor the health and safety guidelines as outlined by local and federal health officials. We are working toward providing more in-person programming in the coming weeks and months as conditions allow it.

Momentum will continue to provide a hybrid approach for those who feel more comfortable in their home. You can learn more about all the services and resources Momentum provides here.

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