Honda Center, Anaheim Ducks Team Up with Momentum Refresh

Honda Center, Anaheim Ducks Team Up with Momentum Refresh
Momentum Refresh, the country’s first fleet of mobile adaptive restrooms, made history at Honda Center in Anaheim Feb. 17. The contest between the Anaheim Ducks and rival LA Kings was the first NHL game to provide genuinely accessible restrooms to people with mobility issues and disabilities.
“Restroom accessibility is just as important as venue accessibility,” says Lori Anderson, President and CEO of Momentum. “Going to the restroom may be something that most of us don’t really give much thought to. However, for caregivers and people with mobility issues or a disability or a medical condition, it is an issue that determines whether you will go to a venue or not. When you struggle to accomplish even simple personal activities, the availability of an accessible restroom in a public place or event like a concert or a hockey game becomes a major consideration in deciding whether or not you’ll go to such an event in the first place.”
Most businesses do not know that 1 in 7 people in the U.S. has a disability that impacts their mobility. An ADA-compliant restroom is insufficient for all people with mobility limitations, including veterans, seniors, adults and children with disabilities, and their caregivers. This segment of the population avoids businesses and events because the restrooms are not truly accessible. Momentum Refresh is an innovative mobile solution that is the first of its kind in the U.S. for restroom equity at public venues that is safe, sanitary, and comfortable for assisted changing.
In Los Angeles, people who require more restroom equity represent a quarter million individuals with an estimated $12.5B in disposable income. With Momentum Refresh, businesses will be able to engage this overlooked demographic.
A minimal investment to have Momentum Refresh as a resource for expanding business appeal to a larger audience, who would otherwise be excluded, not only improves the guests’ experience but results in additional revenue streams from ticket, concession, and merchandise sales. Being more inclusive also increases a company’s DEI and strategically increases brand affinity.
We are so grateful to Honda Center for helping to promote the need for greater accessibility. In addition, Momentum Refresh’s presence at the venue supported NHL’s “Hockey is for Everyone” campaign, designed to promote diversity and inclusion in the NHL community.
For more information about Momentum Refresh visit