Guest Blog: Working as A Social Worker with A Disability
Guest Blog: Working as A Social Worker with A Disability
Self-advocate Kim Hudson, MSW continues her guest blog series during NDDAM’s Employment Week with a reflection on her decision to begin a career, as well as a few considerations for individuals with disabilities who are considering entering the workforce.
I graduated with my master’s in social work (MSW) in 1999 and began looking for my first job immediately. At the time I was receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on my disability and Medi-Cal based on my disability as well as my low income. I realized that once I started a full-time job that I would no longer qualify for SSI or Medi-Cal. Therefore, I had to make sure that any job I accepted had to include medical insurance and a high enough salary to cover all my living expenses.
I recognized that I was taking a risk by trying to work full time because I had only worked part-time in the past. I wasn’t sure that I could withstand a 9-hour day in my wheelchair. I also knew that once I gave up my SSI and Medi-Cal benefits it might be harder to get back on them if I was unable to keep up the pace of a full-time position. I was willing to take the risk because I wanted to move away from all the limitations I had while receiving SSI and Medi-Cal. I wanted to be self-sufficient and independent financially for the first time in my adult life.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) helped ensure that I would be less likely to face discrimination during the hiring process. I could not be asked invasive questions about my disability. I would just have to explain how I would perform my job functions. In addition, I could ask for reasonable accommodations in my workplace. It was great to have the ADA behind me, but I believe that some of my prospective employers had some unspoken biases against my disability. I went on several initial interviews and never received a second interview or job offer. I will never be able to prove that I was discriminated against, but it took me almost a year to find my first job while it only took the people without disabilities that I graduated with a few months to secure jobs.
It was ironic that I felt the undercurrent of judgement among social workers. I entered this field because I thought social workers would be open minded and accepting. However, many of my job interviews centered on the things I might not be able to do such as home visits (because many homes are not wheelchair accessible) rather than my strengths.
I accepted my first full-time job at The Center for the Partially Sighted, a non-profit organization that served people who were dealing with various types of vision loss. I had a volunteer assistant to help me with filing, copying, and other office work. I loved my work, but after the first year I realized that a 40-hour work week was more than I could handle physically. I experienced more spasticity and muscle pain related to spending so many hours in my wheelchair. Working ¾ time allowed me to rest my body, but still work enough hours to maintain my health insurance.
Everyone who has a disability has to figure out their own path towards work. There are no set guidelines to follow. For some people it is better to stay on SSI or SSDI and work part-time. Others are lucky enough to be able to work full-time. My work journey has been long (over 25 years) and has changed as my health and disability has changed. I encourage everyone with a disability who wants to work to follow their dreams. Just be open to a non-traditional work life and be a good self-advocate!
About Kim Hudson, MSW
I have Cerebral Palsy and I use an electric wheelchair to get around. I am a Social Worker with over 20 years of experience working with people with disabilities and chronic health issues.
Read more from Kim and her husband Tom at