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Camp Escapades

Camp Escapades

Camp Escapades is an innovative sensory summer day camp that offers children with special needs a traditional and fun camp experience that is inclusive of their needs. Since its establishment in 1998, Camp Escapades has been providing a summer camp experience for children with developmental disabilities who might not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. Our camp is staffed with occupational, physical, or speech therapists, program assistants, paraprofessional educators, and one-on-one teen volunteers who are the child’s “buddies” throughout the week. Camp activities take place in a safe, encouraging environment and are geared and adapted so every camper can have fun regardless of age or ability.

Get Ready for Camp Escapades 2025!

Camp Escapades 2025 Dates:
Week 1 Session: July 14th to 18th
Week 2 Session: July 21st to July 25th
Week 3 Session: July 28th to August 1st
Week 4 Session: August 4th to 8th 

Camp attendance is limited to one week to allow for all other interested children and families to have the opportunity to experience the camp fun.

Interested in volunteering with Camp Escapades? Click below:

If you have any general volunteer questions, you can contact

Camper registration link below will go live on Saturday, March 29th, 2025 at 8:00am PST.

We use the Playground App for camp registration. If you have already created an account you can log in using your previous email and password. If you do not already have an account please be prepared to create an account during the registration process. You can check to see if you already have a login/password here: 

For inquiries about the camper waitlist, contact:

Sensory Experiences | Dance | Sports | Fine Motor Skill Development |
Music | Games | Water Play | Special Events


Camp Details 

When does Camp Escapades take place?
Camp Escapades will return this summer with four one-week sessions for children.


  • July 14th to 18th
  • July 21st to July 25th
  • July 28th to August 1st
  • August 4th to 8th 


  • Monday-Friday from 9:15 am to 1:15 pm
Where does Camp Escapades take place?

Camp Escapades will be held at Momentum’s Torrance Pediatric Clinic, located at 1815 W. 213th Street, Torrance, 90501.

Who is eligible to attend Camp Escapades?
Campers must be 5-14 years of age. Our top priority is ensuring everyone has a fun and safe experience. To ensure this, we kindly ask that your child is able to do the following without displaying any aggressive or unsafe behavior:
  • Participate in group activities
  • Stay with the group without running away
  • Transition from one activity to the next with minimal assistance
  • Show no aggressive behavior, such as hitting, biting, or scratching
Please keep in mind that if your child cannot meet the criteria listed above, our camp coordination team may request a family member or a 1:1 assistant to accompany them. We welcome children with mobility challenges and will make sure they have a great experience. 
How much does Camp Escapades cost?
Camp Escapades is available at a cost of $475 per week. Additionally, there is a $25 charge for the camp shirt for all campers, regardless of funding.
Please see the “Funding and Payment” section of this FAQ for additional inquiries regarding payment options, such as Regional Center or Self-Determination Program (SDP) funding. 
What type of activities will be offered at Camp Escapades?
Our camp team works to create and provide a variety of activities that each child can enjoy and participate in. We seek to extend meaningful recreational and social opportunities to children and youth in the community. Our activities will include Fine Motor Fun, a Bike Parade, Water Play, Music and dance, Tactile Play, an Engine Shop, and Special Guests and Events!
Will my child receive therapy at Camp Escapades?
Camp Escapades’ objective is for children of all abilities to enjoy a summer camp experience instead of meeting treatment goals. Group leaders will always be present to facilitate a child’s participation, modifying or adapting the activity as needed. 
Our activities are designed in collaboration with occupational, physical, and speech therapists, with careful consideration for the safety, regulation, and fun of our campers.

Camp Applications and Enrollment

How do I enroll my child in camp?
Families must complete a camp application form for each child they wish to enroll. Applications for camp enrollment will be considered based on the order in which they are received. As camper spots are limited, we encourage you to submit your applications as early as possible during registration.
Regional Center Clients:
-If pursuing Regional Center funding for Camp, please make sure to have your Regional Center and Service Coordinator information for the application
-If pursuing funding through the Self-Determination Program (SDP), please make sure to have your Financial Management Service (FMS) information for the application
When can I register for my child to attend Camp Escapades?
Registration for campers opens March 29th. Apply early, as spaces are limited!
Where do I submit my child’s camp application?
A link to the application and forms will be available on our website starting March 29th.
When and how will I be informed that my child has secured a spot?
Please allow approximately one-two weeks for camp applications to be reviewed and processed for enrollment. The parent/guardian for each camper will be contacted via email to confirm their child’s enrollment and will have one week (five business days) to either accept or decline the spot. After that one-week (five business days) period has lapsed, Camp Escapades may email the next family on the waitlist.
What is the process for those on the waitlist when a spot opens up?
If or when there is an opening for another camper, Camp Escapades will move down the list of campers on the waitlist according to the date they submitted their completed registration and their category, if applicable. Each family will be offered the spot in sequence and will have 1-week (5 business days) to respond to the email sent to them to either accept or decline the opening.

Funding and Payment

Is Camp covered by insurance or other funding sources?
It is important to note that Camp is not covered by insurance. However, if you are a client of the Regional Center or Self-Determination Program (SDP), you may be eligible to receive funding for camp. To determine if your child is eligible for camp funding, please contact your service coordinator or Financial Management Service.
What forms of payment do you accept?
For families paying privately, we accept most forms of payment, including credit/debit cards, checks, or cash. Payment information will be collected when your camper’s enrollment is confirmed.
What is your refund policy if my child is no longer able to attend Camp Escapades?
Please note that we do not offer refunds for Camp registrations. However, if we can fill your spot with another camper, we may be able to accommodate a refund, subject to transaction fees. It is important to note that if the Regional Center funds your child, any missed days of camp that are not reimbursed by the Regional Center funding are the responsibility of the families to cover.
Are there any out-of-pocket fees for camp if my child is funded by Regional Center?
Clients with Regional Center funding for Camp will still be responsible for the $25 fee for their camper’s two camp t-shirts.

Additional Questions

Can my child’s ABA aide or other support person attend camp with my child?
If your child does not meet the criteria listed earlier in the Camp Details FAQs, we ask that someone attend camp with your child to provide the increased support needed for your camper’s safe and fun experience. If your child meets the criteria and can participate safely with our group leaders’ and volunteers’ support, we request that additional support persons do not attend with your camper. This is in consideration of space and capacity limits, as well as allowing your child to create relationships with others and encouraging their participation with greater independence. Suppose your child attends with an aide or ABA to meet the enrollment criteria. In that case, we emphasize that their focus is on supporting your camper’s safe, meaningful participation and enjoyment rather than specific treatment or therapy goals.
My child takes medication. Who do I provide this to and how can I be assured it is administered in the correct dosage and frequency throughout the day?
If your child requires medication during camp hours, please fill out the Medication Administration Form, which will be provided upon confirmation of your spot in Camp. This form must be filled out for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Only our Camp nurse can store and administer medication during camp hours.
To minimize the need for medications to be administered during camp hours, we kindly request that families check if a medication schedule can be adjusted to be provided outside of camp hours.
Can my child’s sibling who does not have special needs also enroll in camp?
To provide the Camp Escapades experience to as many children with special needs in our community as possible, and considering the limited camper spots available, we are limiting enrollment to those children with disabilities. We value the experience of siblings participating in summer camp together. However, we recognize that there are limited summer camps in our communities that can meet the support needs of children with special needs or disabilities.
My child will need to arrive late or be picked up early on a particular day. Who do I provide this information to?
If you need to inform us of any absences or plan for drop-off and pick-up outside of the regularly scheduled times, you can provide this information to camp coordinators by emailing Parents and caregivers are also highly encouraged to check in with their camper’s group leader at drop-off and pick-up times to provide any needed information or updates and to hear how your child is enjoying camp!
My child’s friend(s) is/are also applying to attend Camp Escapades. Will they be in the same group?
We consider various factors when determining camper groups, and we cannot guarantee that friends will be placed in the same group. If you’d like to let us know of any friendships your camper may have with another camper, please get in touch with camp coordinators at Remember that camp is also an opportunity to meet and make new friends, and our teams’ focus is always on supporting the campers to have a fun, meaningful experience with their group.

Volunteer Information 

Are there volunteer opportunities?
Yes! Camp Escapades is highly regarded as one of South Bay’s most popular youth volunteer activities. Many of our camp volunteers participate in this rewarding and enjoyable opportunity year after year. They become “white shirts” who serve as buddies to the campers during the camp. By volunteering, they not only have a meaningful experience that gives back to the community but also have the chance to develop better leadership and social skills.
What are the volunteer hours?

Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday: 8:45 am to 2 pm 

Tuesday & Friday: 8:45 am to 2:30 pm 

What are the volunteer requirements?
  • Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older.
  • Complete the Volunteer Application Form.
  • Complete the Volunteer Consent Form. 
  • Provide proof of a valid tuberculosis (TB) test conducted within the past year.
  • Live Scan Fingerprinting is required for volunteers over the age of 18.
  • Proof of vaccination for COVID-19 and flu is recommended, but not mandatory.
  • Attend the Volunteer Orientation on Monday, June 30th, from 3 pm to 6 pm. Attend our Volunteer Camp Meeting on Monday, July 7th, from 5 pm to 7 pm.
*Note not all volunteers will be engaged as “white shirts.” White shirts will be required to attend the entire week.
Why volunteer with us?
  • Be a significant part of a child’s favorite summertime memory
  • Connect with awesome individuals and a supportive community while gaining a deeper understanding of children with developmental disabilities and the professions that support them
  • Fulfill your school or community group service hour requirements
  • Discover new passions and gain new experiences
  • Make new friends and have fun while doing it!
We also offer volunteer opportunities for adults and companies looking to get involved. Reach out to us here.

Momentum Torrance Clinic: (310) 328-0276