Award Winning Gift: How a Southbay Girl Scout Brought Colorful Joy to Momentum PTN
Award Winning Gift: How a Southbay Girl Scout Brought Colorful Joy to Momentum PTN
October 1, 2021
Hundreds of brightly colored rocks, each with fine detail and encouraging messages, line the entrance to Momentum PTN (MPTN) in Torrance. The beautifully crafted display is thanks to a Girl Scout named Isabel Covelli. “It is with pride that I share my Girl Scout Gold Award project with MPTN! MPTN does so much to help children including my family, and I just wanted to give back in any way I can,” Isabel said in her letter. “MPTN has been a part of my family’s life since my little brother went there 13 years ago, and we have always been grateful for the love and care of all involved.”
After Isabel met with Momentum PTN staff, they all decided the front entrance could use some change. Dubbed the Support Stone Project, the goal was to create a cheerful entrance and an interactive area for children who attend the clinic. “Things kept rolling and we added more and more.” Isabel reached out to the community for donations and volunteers to help paint rocks. “It became clear to me that MPTN has touched many lives in our community. Everyone was very willing to help out with this project.”
When strolling on the sidewalk, you’ll see a sea of colors. Once you bend down, you’ll notice these rocks come in all shapes and sizes, and the artwork that inspired them is just as unique. Tic-tac-toe, Spongebob and Patrick, rocket ships, phrases to boost happiness and confidence – you could spend hours looking through the thoughtfully painted rocks. There are “scanning” rocks that enable children to practice their visual tracking skills by searching for the rocks in a systematic manner, such as top to bottom and left to right.
“Special thank you to all the major donors and rock artists who really came through and gave most of the supplies with an open heart,” Isabel said. “My sincere thank you to Veronica and Benny for their incredible support and always being available to me, and my family and Girl Scout Troop 1805 for all their love and support. My wish is that the children of MPTN and staff will enjoy this project for many years to come.”